Setting CQ DX Marathon Award Objectives

The CQ DX Marathon award administered by CQ Magazine has four possible objectives:

  1. Mixed
  2. Any one specified Band
  3. Any one specified Mode
  4. Challenge (80m, 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, and 10m)

At the end of the year, you can make a submission for only one of these objectives, but aggressive competitors can pursue multiple objectives during the year and then decide at the end of the year which for which objective to generate a submission.

On the Awards tab of DXKeeper's Config window, checking the Realtime Award Progress box in the Marathon Bands & Modes panel enables realtime award tracking. With this box checked, boxes in the Marathon panel specifies which objective(s) you are pursuing, which in turn determines

In the Marathon Bands & Modes panel,

The CQ DX Marathon Rules state that "Contacts through repeaters or satellites are not allowed for credit, nor are contacts with maritime or aeronautical mobile stations. All contacts must be made entirely over amateur radio frequencies – i.e., Echolink-type contacts do not count." To prevent QSOs made via non-terrestrial means such as EME, repeaters, or satellites from being considered when tracking Marathon award progress or generating a Marathon submission, DXKeeper ignores QSOs whose propagation mode items don't specify a terrestrial propagation mode. QSOs that do not specify a propagation mode item will thus be ignored for Marathon tracking and submission unless you enable the Marathon Bands & Modes panel's Include QSOs with no prop option. Note that you can specify a default propagation mode to be logged with each QSO via the Defaults tab on DXKeeper's Configuration window.

After making any changes to settings in the Marathon Bands & Modes panel, click the Recompute button on DXKeeper's Main window's Check Progress tab. After DXKeeper completes the Recompute operation, then if you are using SpotCollector, open the the Spot Database tab of SpotCollector's Config window, and click the Recomputation panel's Recompute button.

In the Filter panel at the bottom of the SpotCollector's Main window, check the Mrthn box so that Spot Database Entries "needed" for Marathon will be highlighted with the appropriate font color. Early in the year, the large number of Spot Database Entries "needed" for Marathon can obscure Spot Database Entries needed for other awards; you can temporarily uncheck the Mrthn box to remove the highlighting from entries "needed" for Marathon; be sure to check the Mrthn box after you're done.

Clicking the Progress button in the CQ DX Marathon panel on the Main window's Check Progress tab will generate and display a progress report for each of the Marathon objectives you're pursuing.

To specify the one objective for which you wish to generate a submission, click the Year, Class, & Category button in the the Marathon Bands & Modes panel on the Configuration window's Awards tab. In the Marathon Year, Class, Category, and Submission Information window that appears,

To generate a submission for the Marathon objective specified in the Marathon Year, Class, Category, and Submission Information window, click the Submission button in the CQ DX Marathon panel on the Main window's Check Progress tab. DXKeeper will generate two files it DXKeeper's Reports folder:

  1. a Submission file in XML format that you can upload using the online Marathon Submission Tool

  2. a Submission file in text format that shows
    • the claimed score for the submitted objective
    • the lowest risk of each submitted country and zone (for Challenge class, by band)
    • the QSO submitted for each country and zone

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CQ DX Marathon Award Tracking

Setting DXing Objectives

Getting Started with Award Tracking

Getting Started with QSLing

Getting Started with Logging


Getting Started with DXLab

MarathonAwardObjectives (last edited 2024-05-05 06:40:59 by AA6YQ)